Founder, Executive Director and Client Aid Advocate
Irene is the founder and director of Steinbach Community Outreach.  Irene’s journey as a social justice warrior began in the classroom as an high school alternative education teacher.  In dealing with these students she immediately recognized that the majority of them were hungry, living poverty and at risk of becoming homeless so she began feeding them on a regular basis at her own expense.  Helping these students often meant helping their families problem solve their living situations as well.  Very quickly word spread about what she was doing and the community became involved.  What started in a corner of a classroom grew into a large community based organization. SCO moved out of the classroom and opened it’s doors at the Steinbach Mennonite Church in February 2009.  Irene was also the impetus for the founding of Today House, Steinbach’s first homeless shelter.

Most of Irene’s time is now spent assisting families and individuals on a one to one basis and participating in a few public speaking and media appearances.  If you are low income and looking for housing assistance, support or need help dealing with issues in your life she is your girl!  She will even go to appointments with you if you need it.


Drop in Center Director

Myra’s huge heart serves her well when running SCO’s drop in center located at 345 Loewen Blvd.  If you are looking to volunteer with SCO she is the person to talk to!  At the drop in center Myra’s duties include organizing volunteers and programs; organizing fun evening events for guests and volunteers; collecting, organizing and handing out food and clothing donations; and providing a listening ear for guests when needed.  In addition to running the drop in center Myra also does public speaking events with youth groups, schools and other agencies as well as coordinating media relations.


Head Advocate

Madeleine spends her time at Outreach caring for the needs of anyone who comes in our doors looking for help.  She helps   people who are struggling by problem solving any challenge they may be facing by listening to concerns and challenges, connecting them with resources,   booking appointments and figuring out the best path forward.


Office Manager

Charlene’s main job at SCO is to do all the background stuff that keeps Outreach running.  She does the bookkeeping,   grant  applications, and any behind the scenes organizational tasks that need doing.  If you have questions about donations,   donation receipts, fundraisers, or any general questions she’s the girl to call! Charlene also helps people with filling out   forms, making resumes, filing taxes or any other paperwork related items.


Elroy Peters
Board Chair

Bob Schinkel
Vice Chair

Dolly Fuchs

Daryl Climenhaga

Irene Kroekr
Executive Director

Tammy Beckering

Ingrid Penner

Brittney Penner

Bev Unger

Darrell Brown

Dominique Greene
Person with Lived Experience

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